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Upgrading to 2.0.0


  • pyazo is now packaged in docker and run through docker-compose.
  • The recommended database was switched from MySQL to PostgreSQL.


This migration guide uses pgLoader to convert the MySQL Database from the old instance into the PostgreSQL Database that is used now. This guide also assumes that you want to keep using the same underlying server. Even if you want to move pyazo to a different machine, it is recommended to use this guide, as it makes it much easier to migrate on the same host.


  • Docker and docker-compose is installed on the pyazo Server
  • Install pgLoader (apt install pgloader for example.)

Prepare the new pyazo install

The old config file is located here: /etc/pyazo/config.yml

Old setting name New setting name
error_report_enabled: PYAZO_ERROR_REPORTING
external_url Not needed anymore.
default_return_view PYAZO_DEFAULT_RETURN_VIEW
external_auth_only Not needed anymore.
auto_claim_enabled PYAZO_AUTO_CLAIM_ENABLED

Additionally, the content of /etc/pyazo/secret_key should be added as PYAZO_SECRET_KEY.


For LDAP Configuration, see Configuration

Saving an export of the old pyazo install

Incase the migration goes wrong, it is recommended to create a database backup.

mysqldump -u pyazo -p pyazo > pyazo-backup.sql

The password is saved in /etc/pyazo/config.d/database.yml.

Copying the media

The media needs to be copied from /usr/share/pyazo/media/ to <new pyazo install>/media/.

Simply run the following command in your new pyazo's installation directory:

rsync -r --progress /usr/share/pyazo/media .
chown -R 1000:1000 media

Migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL

# Download docker-compose file and create password
echo "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 12 | tr -d '\n ')" >> .env
echo "PYAZO_SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | tr -d '\n ')" >> .env
# Optionally enable Error-reporting
# echo "PYAZO_ERROR_REPORTING=true" >> .env

# Download latest images, create containers, but *only* start PostgreSQL
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up --no-start
docker-compose start postgresql

# Password from /etc/pyazo/config.d/database.yml
export MYSQL_PWD=''

# Password you've generated during install
export PGPASSWORD=''

# This contains the IP Address of your PostgreSQL Container
PG_ID=$(docker ps | grep postgres | awk '{print $1}')
PG_IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' $PG_ID)

# Run the actual migration
pgloader mysql://pyazo:@localhost/pyazo pgsql://pyazo@$PG_IP/pyazo

Update the database to the newest version

docker-compose run server ./ migrate

Start pyazo

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d